Colored Slip & Clear
Where I Live (Beach Nights)
Completion: December 4th, 2023
Claybody: Studio Clay
Bisque: Cone 04
Technique: Slab Construction
Glace: Cone 6
Note: Painted with colored slip then bisque fired. Fired to Cone 6. I wasn’t pleased so I glazed with Clear and fired again to Cone 6.

Pete’s Copper Red
Animal Friend (Chuckwalla)
Completion: November 29th, 2023
Claybody: Studio Clay
Bisque: Cone 04
Technique: Sculpting
Glace: Cone 10 – painted thin coat of Pete’s Copper Red
Note: Chuckwallas are common in Arizona and there are several that live in front of our property. It’s always fun to see them. Bottom base is slab textured to look like old wood, and Chuckwalla is life size.

St John’s Black & Malcolm’s Shino

Green Onion Keepers
Completion: October 23rd, 2023
Claybody: Studio Clay
Bisque: Cone 04
Technique: Pinch Pot
Glace: Cone 10. Paint outside with St John’s Black and then wipe off as much as possible. Pour Malcolm’s Shino into center, roll to coat walls, pour out extra.
Note: Both keepers had cracks in them.

Charlie D White & St John’s Black
Garden Monster (Tater)
Completion: November 15th, 2023
Claybody: Studio Clay
Bisque: Cone 04
Technique: Pinchpot
Glace: Cone 10
Note: Project eyes and teeth were painted with Charlie D White. When that was dry the eyes and teeth were painted with wax resist. Then the entire project was painted one time with St John’s Black. When that dried the bulk of the glaze was sponged off.

Charlie D White & Mark’s Temmoku
Stump Vase
Completion: November 15th, 2023
Claybody: Studio Clay
Bisque: Cone 04
Technique: Slab
Glace: Cone 10
Note: Project was texturized to look like an old wood stump. To glaze, Charlie D White was poured inside, and then poured out. Mark’s Temmoku was painted on the outside and then sponged off.

Underglaze & Majolica White

Garden Monsters
Completion: October 26th, 2023
Claybody: Studio Clay
Bisque: Cone 04
Technique: Pinch Pot
Glace: Cone 6.
Note: Paint greenware with underglaze and rub off extra with scotch pad. Paint bisqueware eyeballs and teeth with Majolica White.

Glossy Copper & Clear Crackle

Decorative Planters
Completion: October 23rd, 2023
Claybody: Studio Clay
Bisque: Cone 04
Technique: Pinch Pot
Glace: Raku.
Note: Paint bisque with Glossy Copper heavily in the eyes and a light coating on the outside texture. Pour Clear Crackle on the inside turn to coat walls and pour out extra.

St. John’s Black
Make Your Shoe
Completion: October 23rd, 2023
Claybody: Studio Clay
Bisque: Cone 04
Technique: Slab Construction
Glace: Cone 10
Note: Project was painted with 2 coats of St. John’s Black. There were cracks where the straps connected to the base of the show.